The next election will be held at the:

General Membership Meeting & Year in Review

Sunday, November 10, 2024

12:00 p.m. to 2:00 pm.

Canidates 2024 CANIDATES

If you are interested in being on the board of directors, please send a cover letter and resume to the membership office. A call for candidates is usually issued in the Siamo Qui in September of each year.



The members of the Corporation shall meet once a year at the annual meeting, held in November to transact any business that may properly come before the membership.For all meetings, a majority of the members of the entire Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


The purpose of the General Meeting is to receive annual reports, election of  members of the Board of Directors and other business the board of directions deems necessary for the general membership to be aware of. 



No membership meeting shall be called on legal holidays.  Notice of the meetings, signed by the Secretary, shall be included in the Siamo Qui news letter and included on the orginzations website.


All notices of meetings shall set forth the place, date, time and purpose of the meeting. A quorum necessary for an official meeting shall be 10% of the voting membership of the corporation.


The Board of Directors shall consist of thirteen (7) directors elected by the membership, the immediate Past President of the Corporation, and the then the President of the IACC Foundation, and one designee of the President of the IACC Foundation. The IACC Foundation representatives must be IACC members.


Qualifications of Directors

1.   Each director of the corporation and each candidate for director shall satisfy the following requisites:


a.   Be at least 21 years of age.

b.   Be a United States Citizen.

c.   Be a voting member of the corporation in good standing.

d.   Have at least one year as a member immediately preceding the election.

e.   Never have been convicted of a felony.

f.    Not be a full-time employee on the payroll of the IACC


2.   No director, including the past president, may be elected to serve two consecutive terms. A term is defined as any period for which a person has served as a director as a result of a vote of the general membership.


3.   Directors shall not be eligible for re-election or appointment to the board for one year after they complete their term on the board.


4.   In the event that the president is re-elected to a second term, the term of the immediate past president of the board shall terminate after the first year.  The immediate past president shall not be eligible for election or appointment to the board for one year after serving as past president.


5.   Husbands and wives may not serve on the Board of Directors simultaneously.


Elections of The Directors and Term of Office

1.   The members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by the membership to serve staggered terms of four (4) years.  At the annual meeting held in November of each year, new directors will be elected to replace those directors whose term of office is expiring.


2.   The members of the board shall, upon election, take the oath of office, and enter upon the performance of their duties at the beginning of the next calendar year.



1.   All Active Members in good standing are entitled to vote at membership meetings.

2.   Married members, together, are entitled to one full vote or a ½ vote each.

3.   In the absence of the married member, the married member present at the meeting shall be entitled to cast the vote.

4.   Individual members are entitled to one vote

5.   No members of the corporation shall be entitled to vote by proxy.


Order of Business

Order of business at all meetings shall be at the discretion of the presiding officer, providing that there is no objection.  It may also be altered or suspended by a majority vote of members present.



The President or other presiding officer shall appoint at least five (5) inspectors to serve during any election.  The inspectors shall distribute ballots and collect and count the votes and shall report the results thereof to the President or other presiding officer.  If the right of any person at such meeting is challenged, the inspectors shall determine whether such member is duly qualified to vote.


Parliamentary Procedure

Parliamentary procedure shall be in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order insofar as they do not conflict with the Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws of this Corporation.  By-law interpretation shall be rendered by the presiding officer subject to appeal by any member present; a ⅔ vote of the members present shall be required to overturn his/her decision.


Election of Officers

Immediately following the annual meeting of the membership, the Board of Directors shall, including newly elected directors, by majority vote of the entire Board, elect from its numbers a president of the corporation, a vice-president, a treasurer, and a secretary and assign to them such duties as are prescribed by the by-laws.